Tuesday 1 September 2015

Guilty: Beauty Crimes

So, nobody's perfect, but there are a fair few 'make-up and beauty crimes' of which I am a repeat offender. I know I need to do something about that, and so I suppose you could look to this as a sort of 'New (Academic) Year's Resolution list'...  promise I'll try and keep them this time around!

1) Not using Heat Protection spray

Okay, so I know that this one isn't just me, and I'm aware I'm a massive hypocrite, but as essential as it is to protect your hair before curling/straightening/whatever-you're-doing it completely slips my mind when I'm in a rush or a bottle isn't directly in front of me. I need to work on that one.

2) Forgetting to prime

I am constantly halfway through applying my foundation when I notice my primer winking at me from my make-up bag. I even put it in front of me sometimes in preparation, but still manage to forget. My plan to remedy this is to get a new primer that I'm very excited about using in the hope that this encourages me to use it effectively (got my eye on Benefit Pore-Fessional)

3) Not washing my brushes frequently enough

This is probably the worst. It's dirty and unhygienic and is awful for your skin but by the time I remember to wash them it's late and they'll still be wet in the morning...Perhaps the solution here is to buy another emergency brush set cheaply so that I can wash my favourite Real Techniques whenever? I don't know. It's something I need to start doing properly.

4) Smudging nail varnish

If this happened because I'm just impatient, that would be one thing. But it infuriates me how easily this seems to happen when I just type a song into a search bar or pick up my drink! Although I suppose this one is a crime, because I really ought to leave it long enough for the varnish to dry...

5) Occasionally 'accidentally' skipping my night-time skincare routine...

I have a pretty simple night-time routine, it's true, and I'm usually pretty good with it, but sometimes, when I'm incredibly tired and often when I haven't been wearing makeup, I seem to, *ahem* forget this nice little routine.  Particularly bad given that I have such awful skin which flares up in red mounds from time to time. I will endeavour to be better.

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