Friday 4 September 2015

What's in my Bag?

Seeing as you liked my 'What's in my makeup bag?' post, I thought I'd do the same for my handbag, which, although less detailed, will be far more random! I'm currently loving my Paul Costelloe oxblood coloured leather bag - it's the perfect size for everything I *ahem* 'need' to carry around on a day to day basis and matches most outfits! Let's see what happened when I tipped it upside-down, though...

As some of you may know, I live in London. What you don't know is how paranoid I get before travelling a new route on the tube, and so I tend to repeatedly check I know where I'm going with the help of one of TFL's handy pocket tube maps! You can pick these up in tube stations, and I'd recommend having one on you if you're visiting London and you aren't entirely familiar with the tube network.

I have a tendency to shove cereal and fruit bars in my bag in the morning and then forget about them, so it's no surprise to me to find a Stoats Raspberry and Honey (very good!) oat bar and a good old fashioned Raspberry School Bar lurking in the depths of my bag. I also have these adorable personalised love hearts from my cousin's recent engagement party, and they were so cute that I just had to take a few packets home with me! Great and fun idea for parties or even announcements!

My lips aren't great at dealing with windy weather, and living in the UK, that occurs for most of the year! So I carry around a tin of Vaseline to keep them in good condition when I'm on the move.

I get incredibly bored when travelling, and so I'm always sure to have my Kindle and my iPod with me to keep me entertained! What I'm not so great at, however, is making sure they're always fully charged, which kind of destroys the point of me bringing them half the time... oops!

I wear glasses occasionally, although my eyesight isn't poor enough to need them that often. I love my Lipsy frames with pink sleeves, as this cheeky pop of colour hides beneath my hair and is only just visible through the strands if you look closely enough. I've gotten many compliments about these, and I'm very pleased with them!

Finally, found within my deep red (also Paul Costelloe) leather purse are a number of loyalty cards I have been talked into getting, although only about 50% ever actually get used, and an absolute tonne of train tickets from when I used to be travelling back and forth to school! Time for a good clear out I think!

Also in my bag although not pictured were:
-A box of Nerds for when I get peckish (although the majority of these had fallen out to turn my bag into a maraca - great)
-A spare memory card in case mine fills up at an inopportune moment
-Lots of hairbands that I've thrown in when I've taken my hair down
-A packet of tissues (just in case!)
-A small tub of Purell hand sanitiser
-A box of Rennies (again, just in case!) and
-A spare tampon. In case of emergencies!

Hope you enjoyed this post!

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