Monday 16 May 2016

How a well-planned Instagram account can aid your career prospects

Most people have Instagram, and if you don't, you're most likely aware of its existence and/or have been consistently badgered by your friends to create an account. Instagram, as a famed photo-sharing app, is used in many ways by millions of users daily, and such a prominent part of modern society has overtaken Facebook for many when it comes to 'stalking' a friend, an ex, a partner's ex (don't deny it, we've all done it), and perhaps even an employee...?

What would your Instagram communicate about you as an individual were a potential employer to view it?

You may think it better to make your account private, as this says you're up on internet safety, right? Whilst there might be some truth to this, it's a bit like having a credit card and showing you can manage money looks better than not having one at all (although not quite so serious, of course!) and a well-structured Instagram (possibly even with a theme) could show commitment, a methodical brain and creative flair.

This is particularly effective if you want a career in a media-related field, of course, and might be a bit of a stretch, but in an ever-changing world that is becoming increasingly technological, it's really not out of the question that your precious insta will get scrutinised... I'm not too sure how mine would hold up!