Friday 18 July 2014

EOS Lip Sphere Review

Okay, so I've wanted one of these bad boys for quite a while (2 and a half years, but who's counting?) but was put off by the price (as well as the fact that I already own about 6 unfinished lip balms. Oops.) At approximately £5.50, this American hype seemed just that bit too much of a stretch for the size of the product -- I mean, it couldn't really be THAT amazing, could it?

But whilst I was shopping on Amazon, I saw this in my viewing history, and couldn't resist sneaking one in, but then came one of the hardest decisions of my life to date: Which flavour?

After almost half an hour of indecision (I'm not even joking) I finally settled for the 'pomegranate and raspberry' flavour. Boasting shea butter and jojoba oil amongst its ingredients, this sounded like it would be a worthwhile purchase, after all.

Amazon, as always, delivered promptly and early into the estimated time frame, and the cute pink packaging of this product was absolutely gorgeous! I was thrilled to discover, and am thrilled to be able to tell you, that this lip balm not only tastes absolute GORGEOUS, but soothed my lips into the most smooth state they have ever been in after just a few days (and being a self-confessed lip balm addict, that really is saying something!). I hadn't been expecting to write this review for a while, but after such speedy and effective results, I really would fully recommend this, even at the (ever so slightly ridiculous) price.


  1. I've always wanted to try this because I've seen it everywhere, actually saw it in Topshop the other day too.

    1. Ahh I was the same as you! I always got so put off by the price, but I'm definitely glad I went for it in the end! :) xx
