Wednesday 14 October 2015

Squared nails: Worth the hype?

I clearly remember being about 14 and insanely jealous of my way cooler classmates with their professionally filed French manicures (which were never complete without a diamante on the thumb, obviously), and would watch in envy whilst they scribbled away, wishing I had equally such neat and even nails to worry about in netball training. I never got around to actually getting this shape myself, applying my claire's accessories £2 pink polish liberally to my short and damaged nails on Friday evenings and scrubbing it off Monday morning before school to avoid a detention. As I grew up, though, I tended to veer more towards oval shaped nails, carefully filing them until I deemed them perfectly even, and rarely revisited my past dreams for squared-edges. After seeing a friend's gorgeous flat-topped gel nails, however, the 14 year old me came flashing back, and I decided to see whether the style suited me.

Initially, this felt weird. I'm not used to scratching an itch and leaving a mark from the harsh edges of my own fingers! It's also shown me the difference nail shape can make to the appearance of your fingers and hands overall, which meant I really couldn't stop looking at my own almost unrecognisable hands after so long sticking to the oval shape, but after a few hours and numerous compliments, I'm starting to really like this style. It's even quite exciting to have another option in mind when I do my nails (and you know I love to regularly change them up), and I think I'll keep this new look for a while longer, yet.

I have definitely gone off the French manicure with diamantes, though. That one can stay in the year 9 classroom.

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