Thursday 30 October 2014

'You're fat'

What's the most insulting thing to hear from a guy?  For most women, being called fat has to be up there. I experienced this myself recently, and I think what annoyed me about it the most was the fact that I am happy with my size. As a UK dress size 10/12, I would have defined curves, and definitely a bum! Yet I like this about myself, and would rather be as I am than be a boy-shape. Absolutely no offence intended to anyone who might happen to be a 6/8, or to anyone who's an 18/20 - if you're happy and comfortable in your own size you are beautiful. Having an ex-boyfriend tell me today that I could stand to lose a few pounds and that, if I were to 'keep an eye on the snacks' he would take me back infuriated me no end. Why in the world would I want to be with somebody who doesn't like something I think defines me, and something I feel confident about? Luckily for me, I am strong enough to laugh such a comment off, but I think for the first time today my eyes were opened, and I had some sort of comprehension for what this type of comment may do to someone who is slightly self-conscious, or who may have suffered from disordered eating habits. It angers me to think that all it could take for some people is a careless comment from an insensitive arsehole. Words can do a lot to damage someone's self-esteem, and I truly see that now more than before.. and for that, I suppose I thank my idiotic ex. I hope he too has learnt from the torrent of abuse he received from my angry girlfriends. Girl power.


  1. I could not agree with this post more. Everyone is beautiful no matter what their size is.

    I've also nominated you for The Versatile Blogger award, for the info about it and rule check out my recent blog post. I'm looking forward to reading yours! -
    Karis xx

  2. This is a great post! I totally agree. We have to watch what we say. We might not take it that serious, but words can really hurt people.

  3. 100% agree.. men can be such a holes!! At the minute I'm not happy with my size and would be absolutely heart broken if my boyfriend or anyone for that matter had a go! Love this post <3 xxx

