When I first tell people that I don't have a 'home', they look a little puzzled.
What I really mean to say is that I don't live with my mother or father, nor do I live alone, because I live at school.
This is an aspect of my life that I have touched upon lightly in previous posts, but it seems that people want more of an idea of just what it's like, and so I thought I'd show you a few photos of my dorm (bedroom). As I am now in Upper Sixth (or the final year of UK Schooling), I no longer have to share, and so this is the first time I have been able to really make a room 'my own'.
It's true that whatever you do to your dorm, it will always be school. But if you're as lucky as I am, and have a great set of friends, it really doesn't matter! There are 7 of us in one boarding house, what we call one of 'The Cottages'. We have a kitchen, common room (sitting room) with a TV and sofas, two bathrooms and even a garden, so it's a little bit like a student house of sorts!
I haven't said much about this side of my life, and was reluctant to for quite a while, so I ask that you please be respectful. I understand that I am extremely fortunate to be able to attend a boarding school, and am in absolutely no way deluded about that! I merely wanted to clear a few things up, as I have been asked a lot about this, and particularly in regard to my room.